Truck/Shovel Simulation Window

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Truck/Shovel Simulation Window

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Truck/Shovel Simulation Window

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Truck/Shovel Simulation Settings

A Truck/Shovel Simulation Template connects an Excavation Template with a Dump Template. A default Truck/Shovel Simulation template, a default Excavation template and a default Dump template already exist in 3d-DigPlus.

To carry out a truck/shovel simulation:

Place the program in Truck/Shovel Simulation mode (Truck/Shovel item on the toolbar, or Simulate/Truck/Shovel menu).

Create an excavator (Use the Create Machine icon, or Simulate/Machine parameters/Excavator menu).

Create a shovel (Use the Create Machine icon, or Simulate/Machine parameters/Truck menu).

Open a window (grid-based is best).

Create excavation polygons.

Create a point, line or area dump.

Start the simulation through the Start simulation icon or the Simulate/Start simulation menu.

Undo applies to each session in this window. So pressing the Undo toolbar icon or the Edit/Undo menu item after this window is closed will undo all actions that took place in this window. Undo actions for this window will be placed in the Undo/Redo stack.

Active Simulation Template

This is the name of the Truck/Shovel Simulation Template that will be started through the Start simulation icon (also the Simulate/Start simulation menu) or by pressing Start Button on this window. Starting a simulation will only be possible when all the elements of the simulation are in place. These elements are described in the points listed above.

Active Excavation Supersequence

Edit/Create Button

Close Button

Pressing this button will cause this Truck/Shovel Simulation Settings window to close. The program will prompt with an option to save changes, should any changes be outstanding.

Start Button

Pressing this button will start the simulation based on settings in the active simulation template. Changes to the active simulation template will be saved before simulation starts. This acts as if the Save button had been pressed before Start. Changes in the terrain during simulation will be shown in the current terrain graphics window.

New Button

This button creates a new Truck/Shovel Simulation Template. After pressing this button, a list of the existing Truck/Shovel Simulations (together with the unaltered Default) is presented. The new simulation’s parameters are copied from the simulation selected from this list.

The new Truck/Shovel Simulation may be named through a dialog window offered during the process of creation. Truck/Shovel Simulations are named by default as "Simulation n", where n is a count of existing simulations.

Delete Button

This button deletes the Active Simulation. Users are asked to confirm this before deletion actually takes place. In addition the Undo facility can be used to restore simulations deleted in the Truck/Shovel Simulation window.

Save Button

This button saves all changes to the Active Simulation. Pressing this button will before changing the active simulation and before pressing the Close button will stop the prompt window.

General Log

This setting specifies the general material log, which will be used with the simulation. Excavated and dumped volumes associated with the simulation will be reported to this log. The general log is selected using the General Log pull-down list, which lists all available logs.

General Page

Use Individual Roads on Terrain

Use Virtual Roads

Factor for Min. Horiz. Distance

Constant Extra Horiz. Distance

% of Max. Flat Length

Max. Grade for Trucks, degrees

Max. Grade for Trucks, percent

Max. Speed on Straight (Loaded)

Max. Speed on Straight (Empty)

Rolling Friction (for Braking Force)

Sliding Friction Coefficient

Simulation Start Time

Simulation Start Date

Set Start Time Button

Trucks & Excavators Page

This page establishes settings to do with calculations and data logging for the Machine used in the simulation.

Truck Type Name

Number Available (This Type)

Number in Simulation

Total Trucks in Simulation

Assign Trucks to Subsequences Button

Excavator Type Name

Number Available (This Type)

Number in Simulation

Assign Excavators to Subsequences Button

Assign Idle Times to Excavators Button

Log Report Info

Calculate Productivity

This option calculates the machine productivity for the simulation. Productivity is calculated by adding the times for each cycle. This calculation is based on total machine bulk productivity (for all machines in the fleet).

Dumps Page

Excav. Template

Assign Button

Dump Templates

Add Button

Delete Button

Up Button

Down Button

by pass

Pass Name

by Block Number Range



Roads Page

Excav. Template

Dump Templates

Assign Button

by pass

Pass Name

by Block Number Range



Use Virtual Road

Set Travel Time Parameters Button

Start Access On Main Haul At


Use Road on Terrain

Access Road

Set Travel Time Parameters for Excav. Manifold Button

Haul Route

Use Virtual Road

Set Travel Time Parameters Button

Start Access On Main Haul At


Use Road on Terrain

Access Road

Set Travel Time Parameters for Dump Manifold Button

Refine Truck Assignment Button

Results Page

Animate Trucks

Animate Excavators

Wire Frame Machines

Capture Images

Time Interval Recorded For Each Block (Number of Truck Cycles)

Recorded Time Step (sec)

Block Recording Step (Record Every n-th Block)

Truck Info to File

File Name


Generate Report

Report Averages For First and Last Block in Each Subsequence

Report Averages For Every n-th Blocks in Each Subsequence

Block Report Step (Report Every n-th Block)






Number of Trucks

Number of Excavators

These two parameters show the numbers of trucks and excavators placed on the terrain. They are not accessible for editing.

Total Bulk Productivity

This parameter is used to calculate modelled machine hours. These are calculated by dividing the volume excavated and dumped by the total productivity i.e.

Total Machine Hours = Total Volume Moved / Total Bulk Productivity.

Log Report Info

Checking this box setting tells the system to create and maintain a history of information associated with each application of this simulation template. This report can later be viewed, printed and saved to a file. The log is accessed through the Simulation Report Window (Simulate/Simulation report menu when the program is in Truck/Shovel Simulation mode).

Limit Dig Depth and/or Dump Height

The generic machine/system can limit the excavation depth or dump height relative to a reference height. If you want this limit to be applied, first select this check box. Then enter the Reference Elevation, Dig Depth and Dump Height. The simulation will stop if these references are exceeded.

Reference Elevation

This parameter is used as the "zero point" to determine the dig depth and dump height associated with a simulation. All dig depths and dump heights will be measured relative to the value entered for this parameter.

Max Dig Depth

This parameter specifies the maximum allowable dig depth. This is the vertical distance from the Reference Elevation to the deepest allowable floor of the excavation.

Max Dump Height

This parameter specifies the maximum allowable dump height. This is the vertical distance from the Reference Elevation to the highest allowable dump point.


This setting enables simulation auto capture. When the Capture check box is selected the system will capture an image of the active window before each layer is excavated and after each layer is dumped. This capture will be subject to Capture Settings (see Options | Capture Settings).

Link Page

This page provides access to the settings, which link excavation and dump templates in the simulation process.

Active Excavation Template

This is the name of the Excavation that will be used for excavating material moved by the machine. This excavation may be chosen from the full list of excavations that currently exist in 3d-DigPlus.

New excavations may be created through the Edit/Create Button described below (next item).

Edit/Create Button

This button accesses the Excavation Settings Window. This allows editing of the properties of the Active Excavation.

When accessed through this Edit/Create button, the Excavation Settings Window allows existing excavations to be deleted and new excavations to be created. When this window is directly accessed through the toolbar or menu these operations are not allowed in Truck/Shovel Simulation mode.

Active Dump Template

This is the name of the Dump that will be used for dumping material moved by the machine. This dump may be chosen from the full list of dumps that currently exist in 3d-DigPlus.

New dumps may be created through the Edit/Create Button described below (next item).

Edit/Create Button

This button accesses the Dump Settings Window. This allows editing of the properties of the Active Dump.

When accessed through this Edit/Create button, the Dump Settings Window allows existing dumps to be deleted and new dumps to be created. When this window is directly accessed through the toolbar or menu these operations are not allowed in Truck/Shovel Simulation mode.

Number of Excavation Layers

This determines the number of layers into which an excavation is divided vertically during a truck/shovel simulation. Each layer is excavated and dumped in turn.

These layers are of "proportional thickness". This means that the thickness of an excavation layer at a point is calculated as the depth of excavation at that point divided by the number of layers.