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Welcome to 3d-Dig2000 Help

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Dear Dig2000 User,

Dig2000 provides context-sensitive help on many items.

Please watch the help line at the bottom of the screen. Use the Help button and/or F1 Key for more detail..

For Context-Sensitive Help

Move the mouse over an item in the dialog box. A help line is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Press Help button while positioned on a dialog box item. A more detailed help screen for that item is displayed.

Contact 3d-Dig2000 Developers

Dig2000 is Earth Technology's second generation Terrain Editor and Open Pit Mining Simulator. We trust that you will find it useful and pleasant to use.

If you have any suggestions or problems please feel free to contact the developers directly.

See our Web site: http://www.3ddig.com or http://www.earthtechnology.net for the latest news.

Our Email address is: info@3ddig.com