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Dump SettingsThis dialog box provides context sensitive help. Dumping algorithms are described in more detail in the Dump Method topic. The Dump Settings dialog box allows users to control how the program performs dumping on a surface. This is done by: •Altering the Dump Geometry (Point, Line or Area dump). •Altering Dump Constraints and the way in which these are applied during dumping. •Setting various parameters affecting the action of the fundamental Point Dump Algorithm. Dump Settings and geometry are grouped together in a Dump Template. A number of such dump templates may be created for each surface. One of these dump templates is nominated as active. The following is a description of the items in the Dump Settings Dialog box. Items in the Dump Settings Dialog BoxDumped-On SurfaceThis is the name of the surface that is to have material dumped on it. Dumps and their settings are individual to each surface. This surface will usually be the Terrain Surface. However inner surfaces may also have material dumped on them. This offers a convenient way to change the shape of an inner surface. Active Dump TemplateThis is the name of the Dump Template used to dump material on the Dumped-On Surface. Additional Dump Templates associated with the current surface may be created by pressing New button. Then the user may select which Dump Template to set as active. Each Dump Template consists of the item and settings in this dialog box, together with a Point, Line and Area structure determining the dump geometry. Each of these structures does not exist until it is drawn or otherwise created by the user. General LogThe volume of material dumped during each dump event is logged to the nominated general log. Bank volume, swelled volume and mass are all calculated and logged to the specified general log. A general log is associated with each Dump Template i.e. it applies to all dump events carried out with this template. A different general log may be selected here from the list of existing general logs. New general log are created in the Logged Material dialog box (Material/Logged information menu). Close ButtonThe Close button closes the Dump Settings dialog box. If some settings for the current Dump Template are unsaved, users will be given the option to save altered settings. New ButtonThe New button is used to create a new active_dumpDump Template for the current Dumped-On Surface. The new Dump Template automatically becomes active. Delete ButtonThe Delete button deletes the active dump tempate for the current Dumped-On Surface. Save ButtonThe Save button is used to store all settings for the current Dumped-On Surface. If the selected surface or the active dump template is changed with some altered settings unsaved, users will be given the option to save altered settings. Help ButtonThis button provides context sensitive help for this dialog box. Click on an item in the dialog box, then click the Help button or press the F1 key to see Help for the selected item. Dump Type PageThis page allows users to select options for dump geometry and surface redraw during dumping. Dump TypeHere users select how dumped material is distributed over the Dumped On Surface. The point dump algorithm is fundamental to all dumping in 3d-DigPlus. In this option the algorithm is applied in its "pure" form. Here all material is dumped at a single point on the Dumped On Surface. Since dumping occurs on a terrain grid, the material is actually dumped on either nearest grid point (one point dump algorithm) or the four nearest grid points (four- point algorithm). This option simply sets the dump geometry. The dump point location is set separately, using the Dump/Set point menu item or toolbar icon. A line dump dumps material along a special feature line on the Dumped On Surface. This dumping is carried out by repeatedly applying the point dump algorithm to points along the dump line. This option simply sets the dump geometry. The dump line is set separately, using the Dump/Set line menu item or toolbar icon. Use Advancing DumpEnable this option to use an Advancing Dump along the current line dump. To work correctly, the advancing dump should be combined with a dump constraint. The advancing dump starts from one end of the line dump and dumps on each point sequentially until the other end of the line dump is reached. Show Direction buttonPress this button to show the current direction of the Advancing Dump along the line dump. Reverse DirectionEnable this option to reverse the start and end points of the Advancing Dump along the line dump. Combined with the Show Direction button (above), this controls the direction of dumping along the Advancing Dump. An area dump dumps material within an area defined by a polygon on the Dumped On Surface. This dumping is carried out by repeatedly applying the point dump algorithm to points within the dump area. This option simply sets the dump geometry. The dump area is set separately, using the Dump/Set area menu item or toolbar icon. Use Advancing DumpEnable this option to use an Advancing Dump along the current area dump. To work correctly, the advancing dump should be combined with a dump constraint. The advancing dump starts from one end of the area dump and dumps on each point of an advancing line until the other end of the line dump is reached. Direction of AdvanceThis field sets and shows the direction of advance within the area dump. The direction is measured from north, with the clockwise direction being positive. A "hidden" dump line is moved along this direction. Dumping on this line carries out the Advancing Dump. This is illustrated in the description of Advancing Dumps in the Dump Algorithm help topic. Set Direction ButtonThis button allows users to set the direction of advance (above) graphically. Defining a line on the terrain surface does this. The line is defined by moving the activated cursor and clicking to indicate the start and end of the line. This option indicates that no dump geometry option is currently selected. Terrain Redraw FrequencyThis option controls how often the Dumped On Surface is redrawn during dumping. In some cases redrawing can take significant time. This option can then provide a useful increase in speed. Constraints PageThis page allows users to set constraints on the distribution of material after dumping. These dump constraints either •limit the height of dumped material (dump to level, surface or plane), or •limit the extent of material spread after dumping (dump to feature). Dump To LevelThis option limits the height of dumped material to be below the Maximum Dump Level. Edit Current Plane.Dump To PlaneThis limits the height of dumped material to be below the surface of a plane. The parameters of this plane are set on Dump to Plane Page. Dump To SurfaceThis limits the dumped material to be below a surface. This surface is selected in the Surface Name item. Clip Dump to Surface BoundarySet this flag to confine dump to the common limit surface outline. Dump To FeaturesThis limits dumping so that dumped material does not cross the nominated limit features. The features are nominated from the dump limit features drawn on the Dumped On Surface (drawn through the menu item Dump/Create limit features or toolbar icon). The dump limit features are numbered on each surface. Switching on Dump to Features activates a list of the numbered features, each of which can be turned on or off for limiting action in this dump. Maximum Dump LevelThis is the height to which dumped material is limited when the Dump to Level constraint is on. Surface NameThis is the name of the surface used to limit the height of dumped material when the Dump to Surface constraint is on. Offset from SurfaceDumped material will remain below surface by this value when the Dump to Surface constraint is on. When "Lowest/Highest Point" dump crosses featureThis option controls subsequent dumping action after dumping causes material to touch a Dump Limit Feature. It is applied only when the Next Dump Point Choice option is set to Highest or Lowest. If this option is selected, dumping stops as soon as a dump event causes material to touch a Dump Limit Feature. This option applies only when the Next Dump Point Choice option is set to Highest or Lowest. •dump on next Lowest/Highest point If this option is selected, dumping continues after a dump event causes material to touch a Dump Limit Feature. The point on which material was last dumped is marked, and no further material is dumped on this point. This option applies only when the Next Dump Point Choice option is set to Highest or Lowest. Dump Parameters PageThis page allows users to set various parameters that control the detailed action of material dumping on the Dumped On Surface. % of Log To DumpMaterial is dumped from the active General log (accessed through the menu item Material/Logged information). This parameter sets the percentage of the log’s contents to dump on the Dumped On Surface in the next dump event. Volume To DumpMaterial is dumped from the active General log (accessed through the menu item Material/Logged information). This parameter sets the volume of material from the log’s contents to dump on the Dumped On Surface in the next dump event. This volume cannot exceed the total log contents. Discrete Dump VolumeThe material to be dumped on the Dumped On Surface is divided into discrete packets. These packets are then dumped one after the other. The volume in each dumped packet is called the Discrete Dump Volume. Repose AngleThe dump repose angle determines the maximum angle at which newly dumped material can remain stable on the terrain surface. Angle AccuracyThis parameter determines how closely the repose angle is maintained throughout an area of dumped material. A higher value of Angle Accuracy leads to faster calculation. However in this case the actual material repose angle will not be as close to the Repose Angle parameter set by the user. Next Dump Point ChoiceThese options control where to dump the next Discrete Dump Volume on the Dumped On Surface. If this option is chosen, the next dump point is chosen as the lowest available point in the line dump or area dump. If this option is chosen, the next dump point is chosen randomly from available points in the line dump or area dump. If this option is chosen, the next dump point is chosen as the highest available point in the line dump or area dump. Material AlgorithmSince dumping occurs on a terrain grid, the material is actually dumped on either nearest grid point (one point dump algorithm) or the four nearest grid points (four- point algorithm). In the latter case, the material is distributed to the four grid points in proportion to their distance from the dump point. •four grid points In this option dumped material is distributed to the four grid points nearest to the dump point. A separate dump calculation is then carried out for the material dumped on each grid point. •one grid point In this option dumped material is distributed to the point nearest to the dump point. A separate dump calculation is then carried out for the material dumped on each grid point. ResolutionThis sets the resolution of the dump calculation on the terrain grid. Resolution is determined by how much the grid is rarefied for the calculation. So •Very High resolution – use every grid point. •High resolution – use every 2nd grid point. •Medium resolution – use every 3rd grid point. •Low resolution – use every 4th grid point. •Very Low resolution – use every 5th grid point. The final answer is interpolated back onto the full grid. The advantage of lowered resolution is much faster calculation speeds. The disadvantage is loss of detail. Dump To Plane PageThis page sets parameters of the plane used to limit the height of dumped material. This constraint is enabled in the Dump to Plane constraint option. Gradient DirectionThe gradient direction is measured from north, clockwise positive. The slope of the plane below horizontal in this direction is termed the gradient. If the crossfall is set to zero, the gradient direction is the plane’s dip direction , and the gradient is its dip. More details of the plane parameters are given in the Dump Methods Help topic. SetThis button allows users to set the gradient direction graphically on the Dumped On Surface. GradientThis is the slope of the plane in the gradient direction. This slope is measured from horizontal, with positive slopes being above horizontal. More details of the plane parameters are given in the Dump Methods Help topic. Cross FallThis is the slope of the plane in a direction perpendicular to the gradient direction. If the crossfall is set to zero, the gradient direction is the plane’s dip direction , and the gradient is its dip. More details of the plane parameters are given in the Dump Methods Help topic. DipThis is the maximum slope of the plane. It is measured positive above horizontal. More details of the plane parameters are given in the Dump Methods Help topic. Dip DirectionThis is the direction of maximum slope of the plane. It is measured from north, clockwise positive. More details of the plane parameters are given in the Dump Methods Help topic. Save As Inner SurfaceThis option creates an inner surface coinciding with the plane defined on this page. The extent of this inner surface is at least the same as the Dumped On Surface. The name of the surface is set in the Surface Name field. In addition to this optional inner surface, the last created plane is kept as an additional inner surface with the special name: *Current Plane*. Surface nameThis is the name of the inner surface created to coincide with the plane defined on this page. The inner surface is created if the Save As Inner Surface option is on. Plane Z LevelThis is the height of a point on the plane, located at the E, N position. To fully specify a plane, it is necessary to define both its slope and its height. More details of the plane parameters are given in the Dump Methods Help topic. At PositionThis specifies the coordinate position at which the height of the plane is defined. EThis specifies the East coordinate at which the height of the plane is defined. NThis specifies the North coordinate at which the height of the plane is defined. SetThis button allows users to graphically set the (E, N) point on the Dumped On Surface. The height of this point is set to the Plane Z Level. Layer Material PageThis page allows users to control the Dumping of Layer Material. Dump Material From General LogMaterial tracked by layer logs is fully mixed when dumping from general logs. •Controlled By Selected Layer Log Dump selected Layer Log material from General Log. Stop dumping if this material is exhausted. Select Controlling Layer LogMaterial dumped from General Log will be controlled by selected Layer Log. Information For All Layer LogsShow table of Layer Logs that track material in current General Log. Only layer logs that are relevant to the current General Log will be shown. Create Current Dump LayerDumped material will form a layer – the current dump/fill layer with name *Current Dump Layer*. Current Dump LayerReplace current dump/fill layer with newly-dumped material. Add newly-dumped material to current dump/fill layer (material properties may change). Render On TerrainShow traces of current dump/fill layer on rendered terrain surface. ColorSet color for current dump/fill layer. Save and ClearSave the Current Dump Layer and its Surfaces to permanent Layers and Surfaces, then delete Current Dump Layer and its Surfaces. |