Capture Settings

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Capture Settings

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Capture Settings

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Capture Settings


This specifies the path where captured images will be saved.

Browse button

Click this button to select the directory where captured images will be saved.

Base Name

The Base Name is used to form the names of files storing captured images. To keep file names within the DOS limit of eight symbols, the Base Name should contain at most four symbols. For example, if the Base Name is set as TEST the first image will be TEST0001.PNG, the second will be TEST0002.PNG etc.

Current Number

This Number is appended to the Base Name to form the file name storing the next captured image. Current Number will increase by one for each capture. The program will keep Current Number for one program session only (see Generate Base Name next item below).

Generate Base Name

From Design file name

Change Base Name after each Open and Save As operation. The new Base Name will be the same as the file name, but without the extension. Current Number will be reset to zero each time the base name changes.

From name saved in Design file

Save As operations will not affect the Base Name. Each Open operation sets the Base name to the name saved in the design file (Base Name during the session when design file was saved). Current Number will be restored to the value saved in the design file (i.e. the Current Number value when the design file was saved).

File type

PNG Default

Set Default PNG (Portable Network Graphics) file type for captured image. Has good compression and average capture speed.

PNG Fast

Set PNG file type to give faster image capture. Compression using this setting is 40% lower than with the default PNG file setting.


Set Windows bitmap file type for captured image. This has no compression and very fast capture speed.


Set JPEG File Interchange Format file type for captured image. Has good compression and average capture speed. The results may include serious cosmetic flaws for images of wire frame surfaces.

OK button

Click this button to accept capture settings and close the dialog box.

Cancel button

Click this button to discard parameter changes and close the dialog box.

Help button

Click this button to show context help for the Capture Settings dialog box