Update Terrain

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Update Terrain

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Update Terrain

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Update Terrain

Importing a "point cloud" of spot heights to update the terrain model (grid and/or triangulation&data).

The point cloud need not have a convex outline. In order to construct an outline for the point cloud numerically, users are required to input a Maximum Point Spacing parameter. This parameter determines the maximum distance between adjacent points in the point cloud.



Select this box to update Grid data

Data and Triangulation

Select this box to update Data and Triangulation

Maximum Point Spacing

Determines the maximum distance between adjacent points in the point cloud.

Source File

File with updated terrain information.

File Input file formats supported are DXF and XYZ.

Browse button

Click this button to select source File.

Update button

Click this button to Update information on current terrain with data from source file.

Cancel button

Click this button to discard parameter changes and close the dialog box.

Help button

Click this button to show context help for the Update Terrain dialog box