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Edit Current Plane

The “Current Plane” is a special structure kept within 3d-DigPlus. As the name suggests, it represents a three-dimensional plane. There is one and only one such structure within 3d-DigPlus. The parameters defining this plane may be changed in this dialog box.

The “Current Plane” may also be saved as a 3d-DigPlus inner surface. This is also done through this dialog box.

Close Button

The button closes this dialog box.

Save to *Current Plane* Button

Click this button to save the defined current plane to a special inner surface named “*Current Plane*”. If some plane was previously saved as “*Current Plane*” it will be lost.

Help Button

This button provides context sensitive help for this window. Click on an item in the window, then click the Help button or press the F1 key to see Help for the selected item.

Slopes Page

Gradient Direction

The gradient direction is measured from north, clockwise positive. The slope of the plane below horizontal in this direction is termed the gradient.

If the crossfall is set to zero, the gradient direction is the plane’s dip direction , and the gradient is its dip.

More details of the plane parameters are given in the Dump Methods Help topic.

Set Button

This button allows users to set the gradient direction graphically on the Dumped On Surface.


This is the slope of the plane in the gradient direction. This slope is measured from horizontal, with positive slopes being above horizontal.

More details of the plane parameters are given in the Dump Methods Help topic.

Cross Fall

This is the slope of the plane in a direction perpendicular to the gradient direction.

If the crossfall is set to zero, the gradient direction is the plane’s dip direction , and the gradient is its dip.

More details of the plane parameters are given in the Dump Methods Help topic.


This is the maximum slope of the plane. It is measured positive above horizontal.

More details of the plane parameters are given in the Dump Methods Help topic.

Dip Direction

This is the direction of maximum slope of the plane. It is measured from north, clockwise positive.

More details of the plane parameters are given in the Dump Methods Help topic.

Coordinates Page

X Min

This parameter defines minimum East (X) coordinate of the current plane.

X Max

This field shows the maximum East (X) coordinate of the current plane.

X Length

This parameter specifies the length of the current plane along the East (X) direction.

Y Min

This parameter defines minimum North (Y) coordinate of the current plane.

Y Max

This field shows the maximum North (Y) coordinate of the current plane.

Y Length

This parameter specifies the length of the current plane along the North (Y) direction.

Set from Terrain Button

Click this button to get minimum and maximum East-North coordinates from the Terrain Surface and set them as minimum and maximum East-North coordinates of the current plane.

Plane Z Level

This is the height of a point on the plane, located at the E, N position. To fully specify a plane, it is necessary to define both its slope and its height.

More details of the plane parameters are given in the Dump Methods Help topic.

At Position

This specifies the coordinate position at which the height of the plane is defined.


This specifies the East coordinate at which the height of the plane is defined.


This specifies the North coordinate at which the height of the plane is defined.

Set Reference Point Button

This button allows users to graphically set the (E, N) point on the Dumped On Surface. The height of this point is set to the Plane Z Level.

Save to Surface Page

This page allows saving of a plane as an inner surface. A plane saved in this way becomes a “full-valued” inner surface. All functionality applying to inner surfaces will apply.

Choose Inner Surface

This pull-down list contains all existing inner surfaces. Users can select a particular inner surface to which the current plane will be saved. (The current plane can also be saved to a new inner surface).

Previous data of this inner surface will be lost.

Save to Chosen Inner Surface Button

Click this button to save the current plane to the selected inner surface.

Save to New Inner Surface Button

Click this button to create new inner surface and save the defined current plane to it.