<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Log Material Window |
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Logged MaterialThis dialog box displays tables of information about material logged during the course of surface excavation. The name of each log may be edited directly in the table. Clicking on the name of a log makes that log current. Editing actions then apply to that log. Logs record each excavation or fill event. Excavation adds material to a log, while fill or dump removes material from a log. A log’s contents are the amount of material currently in the log. In addition each log keeps separate track of cut and fill, of prime and Rehandled material and of cumulative (total) material passing through it. Each logged excavation or dump event is recorded in the log’s History. Log TypeUse this pull down list to choose the type of log to view and edit. All logs of this type will be shown. Close ButtonThis closes the Log Material dialog box. Edit Log FieldsThe buttons in this group alter the values in a current log. Add ButtonThis button adds material to the current log. The material is added through a dialog box. This box allows users to give a name to the "Add" event, to specify the amount of material added and to divide it into cut and fill components. Material ButtonThis button allows users to alter the properties (bank and swelled specific gravity, swell factor) of the material in the next excavation. The properties of material in Layer Logs cannot be altered in this way. These properties are set by the material properties of the layer to which each Layer Log is attached. This is altered through the Terrain/Layers menu item. Consequently this button is inaccessible when the Layer Log Type is selected. Zero ButtonThis button sets the contents of a log to zero. Users are given the option of zeroing cumulative cut and/or fill, or leaving it unchanged. Clear ButtonThis button zero’s a logs contents, cumulative and clears all History records. Edit LogThe buttons in this group treat a current log as a single thing. Their actions thus apply to the log as a whole. New ButtonThis button creates another log of the current type and positions it after the current log. Move ButtonThis button moves the current log. Log positions are numbered. Users nominate the new position of the current log. Active ButtonThis button applies to General Logs only. It sets the current log to be active. This means that all subsequent excavation and dump events will report to that log. Delete ButtonThis button deletes the current log, together with all of its records. InformationThe buttons in this group provide additional information about the current log. Layer Logs Button.Show how material in this General Log is distributed in Layer Logs. History ButtonThis button calls up an additional table showing the history of events for the current log. Attached ButtonThis button does not apply to General Logs. For Layer Logs this button gives the names of the layers from which excavated material reports to the current Layer Log i.e. the names of the layers to which the log is attached. It also specifies whether material logging is enabled for each layer. For Machine Logs this button gives the names of machines from which excavated material reports to the current Machine Log i.e. the names of machines to which the log is attached. It also specifies whether material logging is enabled for each machine. Print ButtonThis button prints the table contents on the system printer. Volume (bank) pageThis page shows each log’s contents, cumulative cut and cumulative fill material expressed as bank (in situ) volumes. NameThis column shows the name of each log. Click on the name to make the log current. The name may be edited directly. Include Blast SwellCheck this to include blast swell in bank to final swelled excavated volumes. Contents Cut – FillThis column shows the contents of each log i.e. the amount of material currently contained in the log. This is the amount of "cut" material entering the log, minus the amount of "fill" material leaving the log. Cumulative CutThis column shows the total amount of material that entered the log i.e. "cut" material summed for all event. Cumulative Dump & FillThis column shows the total amount of material that left the log i.e. "fill" material summed for all events. Blast-to-Final Swell FactorDefines the swell factor of blasted material to final excavated material. Next Excav. Bank SGThis is the bank (in-situ) specific gravity that will be used for material taking part in the next excavation. This quantity applies to General Logs only. Contents Bank SGThis is the average bank (in-situ) specific gravity of the material forming the log contents. Cumulative Cut Bank SGThis is the average bank (in-situ) specific gravity of all the material that entered the log (i.e. the log’s cumulative cut material). Cumulative Fill Bank SGThis is the average bank (in-situ) specific gravity of all the material that left the log (i.e. the log’s cumulative fill material). Volume (swelled) pageThis page shows each log’s contents, cumulative cut and cumulative fill material expressed as swelled (excavated) volumes. NameThis column shows the name of each log. Click on the name to make the log current. The name may be edited directly. Include Blast SwellCheck this to include blast swell in bank to final swelled excavated volumes. Contents Cut – FillThis column shows the contents of each log i.e. the amount of material currently contained in the log. This is the amount of "cut" material entering the log, minus the amount of "fill" material leaving the log. Cumulative CutThis column shows the total amount of material that entered the log i.e. "cut" material summed for all events. Cumulative Dump & FillThis column shows the total amount of material that left the log i.e. "fill" material summed for all events. Blast-to-Final Swell FactorDefines the swell factor of blasted material to final excavated material. Next Excav. Swelled SGThis is the swelled (excavated) specific gravity that will be used for material taking part in the next excavation. This quantity applies to General Logs only. Contents Swelled SGThis is the average swelled (excavated) specific gravity of the material forming the log contents. Cumulative Cut Swelled SGThis is the average swelled (excavated) specific gravity of all the material that entered the log (i.e. the log’s cumulative cut material). Cumulative Fill Swelled SGThis is the average swelled (excavated) specific gravity of all the material that left the log (i.e. the log’s cumulative fill material). Mass pageThis page shows each log’s contents, cumulative cut and cumulative fill material expressed in mass units. NameThis column shows the name of each log. Click on the name to make the log current. The name may be edited directly. Include Blast SwellCheck this to include blast swell in bank to final swelled excavated volumes. Contents Cut – FillThis column shows the contents of each log i.e. the amount of material currently contained in the log. This is the amount of "cut" material entering the log, minus the amount of "fill" material leaving the log. Cumulative CutThis column shows the total amount of material that entered the log i.e. "cut" material summed for all events. Cumulative Dump & FillThis column shows the total amount of material that left the log i.e. "fill" material summed for all events. Blast-to-Final Swell FactorDefines the swell factor of blasted material to final excavated material. Next Excav. Swell FactorThis is the swell factor (ratio of bank specific gravity to swelled specific gravity) that will be used for material taking part in the next excavation. This quantity applies to General Logs and Machine Logs. It does not apply to Layer Logs. Contents Swell FactorThis is the average swell factor (ratio of bank specific gravity to swelled specific gravity) of the material forming the log contents. Cumulative Cut Swell FactorThis is the average swell factor (ratio of bank specific gravity to swelled specific gravity) of all the material that entered the log (i.e. the log’s cumulative cut material). Cumulative Fill Swell FactorThis is the average swell factor (ratio of bank specific gravity to swelled specific gravity) of all the material that left the log (i.e. the log’s cumulative fill material). Prime & Rehandle (bank) pageThis page shows each log’s contents and cumulative cut material divided into prime material and Rehandled material components. These are expressed as bank (in situ) volumes. Rehandled material is not tracked for Layer Logs. NameThis column shows the name of each log. Click on the name to make the log current. The name may be edited directly. Contents PrimeThis column shows the prime material contents of each log i.e. the amount of prime material currently contained in the log. This is the amount of "cut" prime material entering the log, minus the amount of "fill" prime material leaving the log. Fill material is split into prime and rehandle components in the same proportion as the log’s contents. Contents RehandleThis column shows the Rehandled material contents of each log i.e. the amount of Rehandled material currently contained in the log. This is the amount of "cut" Rehandled material entering the log, minus the amount of "fill" Rehandled material leaving the log. Fill material is split into prime and rehandle components in the same proportion as the log’s contents. Cumulative PrimeThis column shows the total amount of prime material that entered the log i.e. "cut" prime material summed for all events and expressed as bank volume. Cumulative RehandleThis column shows the total amount of Rehandled material that entered the log i.e. "cut" rehandle material summed for all events and expressed as bank volume. %Reh. Bnk/Bnk Cont.This column shows the percentage of bank Rehandled material volume, expressed as a fraction of bank prime material volume i.e. %Reh = 100 x Contents rehandle bank / Contents prime bank %Reh. Bnk/Bnk Cumul.This column shows the percentage of cumulative bank Rehandled material volume, expressed as a fraction of cumulative bank prime material volume i.e. %Reh = 100 x Cum contents rehandle bank / Cum contents prime bank Contents SG PrimeThis column shows the average bank specific gravity of the log’s prime material contents. Cum. SG PrimeThis column shows the average bank specific gravity of the log’s cumulative prime material. Contents SG Reh.This column shows the average bank specific gravity of the log’s Rehandled material contents. Cum. SG Reh.This column shows the average bank specific gravity of the log’s cumulative Rehandled material contents. Prime & Rehandle (swelled) pageNameThis column shows the name of each log. Click on the name to make the log current. The name may be edited directly. Contents PrimeThis column shows the prime material contents of each log i.e. the amount of prime material currently contained in the log. This is the amount of "cut" prime material entering the log, minus the amount of "fill" prime material leaving the log. Fill material is split into prime and rehandle components in the same proportion as the log’s contents. Contents RehandleThis column shows the Rehandled material contents of each log i.e. the amount of Rehandled material currently contained in the log. This is the amount of "cut" Rehandled material entering the log, minus the amount of "fill" Rehandled material leaving the log. Fill material is split into prime and rehandle components in the same proportion as the log’s contents. Cumulative PrimeThis column shows the total amount of prime material that entered the log i.e. "cut" prime material summed for all events and expressed as swelled volume. Cumulative RehandleThis column shows the total amount of Rehandled material that entered the log i.e. "cut" rehandle material summed for all events and expressed as swelled volume. %Reh. Swl/Bnk Cont.This column shows the percentage of swelled Rehandled material volume, expressed as a fraction of bank prime material volume i.e. %Reh = 100 x Contents rehandle swelled / Contents prime bank %Reh. Swl/Bnk Cumul.This column shows the percentage of cumulative swelled Rehandled material volume, expressed as a fraction of cumulative bank prime material volume i.e. %Reh = 100 x Cum rehandle swelled / Cum prime bank Contents SG PrimeThis column shows the average swelled specific gravity of the log’s prime material contents. Cum. SG PrimeThis column shows the average swelled specific gravity of the log’s cumulative prime material. Contents SG Reh.This column shows the average swelled specific gravity of the log’s Rehandled material contents. Cum. SG Reh.This column shows the average swelled specific gravity of the log’s cumulative Rehandled material contents. Prime & Rehandle MassNameThis column shows the name of each log. Click on the name to make the log current. The name may be edited directly. Contents PrimeThis column shows the prime material contents of each log i.e. the amount of prime material currently contained in the log. This is the amount of "cut" prime material entering the log, minus the amount of "fill" prime material leaving the log. Fill material is split into prime and rehandle components in the same proportion as the log’s contents. Contents RehandleThis column shows the Rehandled material contents of each log i.e. the amount of Rehandled material currently contained in the log. This is the amount of "cut" Rehandled material entering the log, minus the amount of "fill" Rehandled material leaving the log. Fill material is split into prime and rehandle components in the same proportion as the log’s contents. Cumulative PrimeThis column shows the total amount of prime material that entered the log i.e. "cut" prime material summed for all events and expressed as mass. Cumulative RehandleThis column shows the total amount of Rehandled material that entered the log i.e. "cut" rehandle material summed for all events and expressed as mass. %Reh. Mss/Mss Cont.This column shows the percentage of Rehandled material mass, expressed as a fraction of prime material mass i.e. %Reh = 100 x Contents rehandle mass / Contents prime mass %Reh. Mss/Mss Cumul.This column shows the percentage of cumulative swelled Rehandled material mass, expressed as a fraction of cumulative bank prime material mass i.e. %Reh = 100 x Cum rehandle mass / Cum prime mass SwlFctr Prime Cont.This column shows the average swell factor of the log’s prime material contents. SwlFctr Prime Cum.This column shows the average swell factor of the log’s cumulative prime material. SwlFctr Reh. Cont.This column shows the average swell factor of the log’s Rehandled material contents. SwlFctr Reh. Cumul.This column shows the average swell factor of the log’s cumulative Rehandled material contents. |