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Drape/Projection Settings

This dialog box sets parameters for Draping or Projecting feature onto a selected surface.

Projection Surface

This is the name of the Surface on which the feature is to be projected.

Based On

This parameter chooses the base model for calculation of projection surface heights. The surface model can be based on a grid or on a triangulation.

Angle from Horizontal

This parameter defines a vertical angle (in degrees) of projecting. The positive value of the angle corresponds to projecting up.

This field is available only in Project Feature mode.

Characteristic Size

This parameter defines an accuracy of calculations. It is used in various internal criteria of projecting algorithm.

The default value of Characteristic Size is initially set to 5m. The initial default value of 5m is chosen to give "good enough" accuracy in most practical circumstances.

Normally if the Project Surface is based on grid the Characteristic Size may be equal to a grid step. However the user may need to change this parameter in order to increase calculation accuracy (smaller values of Characteristic Size) or to reduce number of points in generated feature(s) (larger values of Characteristic Size).

Delete source feature after projecting

This option allows deleting the original feature after drape/projecting.

OK button

After pressing this button the Drape/Projection Settings dialog box will be closed and draped/projected feature(s) will be created.

Cancel button

Click this button to close the dialog box without creating features.

Help button

Click this button to show the context help for the Drape/Projection Settings dialog box.