Truck and Excavator Assignment Example

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Truck and Excavator Assignment Example

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This topic demonstrates the process of assigning Trucks and Excavators to Subsequences via a simple example.

The example involves a pit which has three coal seams (Ate, Boreas and Chione seams) serviced by two high wall ramps and material reports to 3 dumps.

The figure below shows the layout of the pit:

Assign Trucks and Excavators example, pit layout

Assign Trucks and Excavators example, pit layout


Assigned Trucks and Excavators example, pit cross-section ( click on picture to toggle larger)
Assigned Trucks and Excavators example, pit cross-section ( click on picture to toggle larger)


There are three waste passes, one for each seam. The first (Ate) pass has two lifts, the second (Boreas) pass as one lift and and the final (Chione) pass has two lifts.

Waste for the first (Ate) and second (Boreas) passes will be hauled to ground level via a high wall ramp and initially deposited in the upper portion of the low wall dump. When this dump fills material will report to be out of pit dump.

Waste for the lower (Chione) pass will be hauled down the previous strips high wall ramp across the pit floor and deposited in a low wall dump starting at pit floor level.

The Ate pass , Boreas pass and the final lift of the Chione pass will be mined with four Trucks assigned to the Excavator. The first Chione pass lift, which has short haul and minimal elavation, will have three Trucks assigned to the Excavator.

Coal haulage will not be modelled, the coal would be excavated and stored in the Material Log.

The equipment assignments per lift are as follows:


Excavators assigned

Trucks assigned

Ate lift 1 (L 10)



Ate last lift



Ate coal



Boreas waste (single lift)



Boreas coal



Chione lift 1



Chione last lift



Chione coal



The following video clip demonstrates manual and optimised Truck and excavator assignment: