Stacker and Reclaimer Parameters Window

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Stacker and Reclaimer Parameters Window

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Stacker and Reclaimer Parameters Window

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Stacker and Reclaimer Parameters

The Stacker and Reclaimer Parameters dialog box allows:

Creation of new simulated Stacker or Reclaimer.

Editing the parameters of existing simulated Stacker or Reclaimer.

Users can:

Select a type of Stacker or Reclaimer

Set the Stacker’s or Reclaimer’s geometrical and operating dimensions

Set the Stacker’s or Reclaimer’s movement parameters

Set the Stacker’s or Reclaimer’s carry envelope

Set the colors used to show the Stacker or Reclaimer on the terrain surface.

The Stacker/Reclamer’s parameters are used when showing a stacker or reclaimer on the terrain surface and when productivity of the machine is calculated.

Note that stacker or reclaimer (as well as other machines) may be placed only on the terrain surface and not on inner surfaces.


Stacker name

This setting allows choosing a stacker or reclaimer from the list to edit, save or delete it


This page allows the user to select the type of stacker or reclaimer.


Reclaimer/Bucket Wheel Excavator

Rail Mounted

Crawler Mounted




In the fields East and North users can specify the position where the stacker or reclaimer is to be placed on the Terrain Surface.

Horizontal angle

This allows users to set the horizontal orientation of the stacker or reclaimer. The angle is measured from North positive in a clockwise direction.

Dimension Page

The stacker or reclaimer position, geometrical sizes and operating parameters are available on this page. The main stacker or reclaimer dimensions are shown in the picture below:


Boom section factor

Boom length


Rescale by boom length

Wheel diameter

Bucket capacity

Number buckets

Conveyer length

Draw scale factor

Base width

Base height factor

Travel distance

Offset on rail

Counterweight scale



Slew minimum angle

Slew maximum angle

Slew current angle

Luff minimum angle

Luff maximum angle

Luff current angle



Log material

This option specifies whether to store information on volumes and masses of material moved by this stacker or reclaimer in a Machine Log. Details of this are described in the Material Logs topic.

Log name

This option allows users to select the Machine Log where information on volumes and masses of material moved by this stacker or reclaimer will be stored.

Log used in

This list shows the names of machines for which the selected Machine Log is also used.


In this page the user may set the colors for:

Different elements of the selected stacker or reclaimer,

A background color for the Show Window, and

Lighting parameters to render the stacker or reclaimer (i.e. illuminate it with a light source) when the terrain is not rendered.


Render machine

This option turns rendering of the stacker or reclaimer image (i.e. illuminating it with a light source) on or off.

When the terrain is not also rendered parameters need to be set for the stacker’s or reclaimer’s rendering as below.

Light source vertical

This parameter defines the vertical angle of the light source. It is measured from the vertical (in degrees).

This parameter is used to render the stacker or reclaimer when the stacker or reclaimer is drawn on a non-rendered terrain.

Light source horizontal

This parameter defines the horizontal angle of the light source. It is measured from North (in degrees) with clockwise positive.

Color range

This setting defines the darkest render color for the parts of the stacker or reclaimer with minimum illumination. The parameter is shown as a percent of the difference between the base color and black. Thus a value of 100 gives black as the darkest render color.

Close button

Click this button to close the Stacker or Reclaimer Parameters dialog box. If the Save button has not been pressed and changed made to the current Stacker or Reclaimer, 3d-DigPlus will prompt whether to save the changes.

New button

Click this button to create a new stacker or reclaimer. All existing stacker or reclaimer and the four default types are available to be a prototype for the newly created machine.

Save button

Click this button to save all parameter changes for the current stacker or reclaimer.

Show button

Click this button to see a preview of the current stacker or reclaimer.

The preview will be shown in a graphics window. A view control window will appear and may be used to zoom/pan/rotate the stacker or reclaimer.

To switch off the preview mode just close the preview window by clicking system close button in the preview window’s title.

Delete button

Click this button to delete the current stacker or reclaimer from the stacker or reclaimer list. The program will prompt for confirmation before deleting the stacker or reclaimer.

Help button