Mark Rehandle

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Mark Rehandle

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Mark Rehandle

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Mark Rehandle

When a topography is first loaded all material is considered prime. As design proceeds in a spoil dump which is subsequently excavated is classed as rehandle. This dialog window is used if the topography you load has areas you wish to class as rehandle prior to excavation.

Common Vertex Height

Here all vertices of the inner polygon are at a single height. Thus the whole polygon has one common z coordinate.

Bind to Surface

Here the inner polygon is draped on an inner surface. Each point along the polygon then receives its height from this surface.

Draw Polygon button

This option will graphically create polygon for mark rehandle. It is described in the Editing Objects help topic.

Mark button

Mark the area inside created polygon as rehandle.

Cancel button

Click this button to discard parameter changes and close the dialog box.

Help button

Click this button to show context help for the Mark Rehandle dialog box