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Annotation Object Parameters

General Description

This dialog box sets parameters for annotation objects like arrows, lines and polygons in graphics windows. Annotation objects are positioned in each window independently of the window’s zoom and pan.

Annotation objects may be moved in the window using the mouse ("drag and drop"). They also react to right-mouse clicks with a pop-up menu. This provides a convenient way of editing text and changing the appearance of each annotation object.

Annotation objects share some of the Edit Features and Polygons properties of Terrain Features.

Annotation objects may be added to all graphics windows except section windows.


The inserted annotation object may be based either on a solid line or on a dashed line. This setting selects the solid line style.


The inserted annotation object may be based either on a solid line or on a dashed line. This setting selects the dashed line style.

Dash length

This parameter defines the length of dashed line segments.

Space length

This parameter defines the length of space between segments of dashed lines.

Line color

This specifies the color of an inserted or modified annotation object.

Line thickness

This specifies the thickness of an inserted or modified annotation object.

Closed (for polygons only)

Check this box to select a mode where 3d-DigPlus automatically adds a closing line segment (last point joined to first point) when drawing a polygon.

If this option is not selected, the drawn "polygon" will remain open i.e. it will resemble a polyline.

Create or Apply button

Create: This button closes the dialog box and allows the user to insert the desired annotation object to the screen.

Apply: This button closes the dialog box and alters the selected annotation object according to the parameter values set in the dialog box. This situation occurs when the right mouse button is used to open the dialog box (“Properties” option in the pop-up menu).

Cancel button

Click this to discard parameter changes and close the dialog box.

Help button

Click this to show context-sensitive help for the dialog box.