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Annotation Text Parameters

General Description

This dialog box sets parameters for annotation text in graphics windows. Annotation text is positioned in each window independently of the window’s zoom and pan.

Annotation text may be moved in the window using the mouse ("drag and drop"). It also reacts to right-mouse clicks with a pop-up menu. This provides a convenient way of editing text and changing annotation text appearance.

Annotation text may be added to all graphics windows except section windows.


These fields allow the user to select a font type from the font list and to set a font size (in points) for annotation text.


This sets the color for annotation text.

Text width

This sets the maximum number of characters (including spaces) per line in the displayed text.

Words from the annotation text are added one-by-one to a line. This continues until the next word will make the number of characters in the line exceed the text width. A new line is then started.

If a single word is longer than the specified text width, the whole word will form the line to avoid word splitting. Word hyphenation is not supported.

Text height

This shows the number of lines occupied by displayed annotation text. This value is recalculated after changing the Text width parameter or after typing annotation text.

Show frame

If selected, this shows a frame box around the annotation text.

Bind text

Check this to bind text to nearest point on the terrain. (Must be done in Plan View only).

Annotation text

This is the area where annotation text may be typed. Press the <Enter> key to start a new paragraph.

Create or Apply button

Create: This button closes the dialog box and allows the user to insert the annotation text to the screen.

Apply: This button closes the dialog box and alters the selected annotation text according to the parameter values set in the dialog box. This situation occurs when the right mouse button is used to open the dialog box (“Properties” option in the pop-up menu).

Cancel button

Click this to discard parameter changes and close the dialog box.

Help button

Click this to show context-sensitive help for this dialog box.