Copy feature

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Copy feature

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Copy feature

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Angle and Offset of Copied Feature

This dialog box contains parameters, which control creation of the new feature. This feature is produced from the source feature by parallel copying.

Angle from horizontal

This parameter defines the angle of the copied feature from horizontal. Angles above horizontal are positive. This parameter is available only for data features. Surface feature elevation is controlled by their host surface.

Offset distance

This parameter specifies the distance to move copied feature

Offset direction

This setting allows the offset direction to be chosen. There are two options:

Horizontal offset; offset distance will be measured in the horizontal direction.

Vertical offset; offset distance will be measured in the vertical direction. In this case angle from horizontal must be non-zero.

Ok button

Click this button to create copied feature and close this dialog box.

Cancel button

Click this button to close dialog box without creating a copied feature.

Help button

Click this button to show context help.