Road Design

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Road Design

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3d-Dig's Road design functionality is primarily intended to create road structures (horizontal and vertical alignments) for use in Truck and Shovel Simulation. However once a road design is set up it is possible to use the Excavate Roads function to impose the road design on the topography. The system uses the Horizontal and Vertical Alignments as created by the user, the specified cross-sectional parameters (road width batter angles etc) The Excavate Roads function will apply whatever cut and fill is necessary to modify the topography to include the designed road. This functionality is very useful for creating roads and other road like structures (ramps benches waterways etc), Is consequently included with the Topographic and Generic Simulation module.

The road design process is described in detail in the Truck & Shovel Simulation topic Setting up Haul Roads and Accesses.

The following video clip illustrates the complete process of setting up a simple road system and imposing this design on the topography.