Transportation Analysis Procedures

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Transportation Analysis Procedures

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The the Transportation Analysis can proceed as you soon as a reshaped design surface exists. At this stage the following procedures are required to complete the Transportation Analysis:

1.With the 3d-Dig file open in which the reshaping design was completed, use the Terrain/Editor settings Clip to Work Area command to crop down the topography so it includes only the reshaped design area.

2.Save the topography has.bit file. This is the design surface that will be used as the target surface in the Transportation Analysis.

3.At this stage the 3d-Dig file will have all of the Polygon is used for the Surface Reshaping. Use the File/Export command to export all of these Polygons to a DXF file.

4.Load the original 3d-Dig file prior to any surface reshaping, that is the file which has the post mining topography.

5.Import the previously saved Polygons as Surface Features. These will allow the outer boundary of the reshaped area to be easily delineated.

6.Load the previously saved .bit file which is the design surface for rehabilitation.

7.With 3d-Dig in Reshaping mode select Reshaping/Transportation Analysis. In the Transportation Analysis dialog select the recently loaded design surface as the Final (Target) Surface.

8.Use the Sub Region option and place a region polygon using the imported Surface Features to identify the extent of the design surface.

9.Set suitable Resolution and other parameters, set the Cost Function and run the Transportation Analysis.


The above procedures apply when the Transportation Analysis is being used to analyse a surface created using 3d-Digs Surface Reshaping function. If it is being used to analyse an imported surface, or a surface otherwise generated in 3d-Dig, steps 1 to 3 do not apply. The 3d-Dig file  must have a topography in the starting state and must contain an inner surface which represents the design or target surface.

The following video clip illustrates these procedures: