Transportation Analysis

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Transportation Analysis

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Once a surface reshaping design project is complete transportation analysis function is used to assess the required spoil movement. The transportation analysis uses a cost function to assess the optimal movement from areas of cut to areas of fill in order to produce the design surface from the starting topography at minimum cost.

The transportation analysis produces an output which consists of a series of transport arcs (arrows which graphically display the required movement of spoil together with tabulated data which quantifies the volumes and distances moved.

The Transportation Analysis produces the following output:

The output of the analysis consists of the following:

a set of transport arcs (arrows) which graphically display the required material movement of material from cut to fill.

A report of the volume moved and total cost (according to the cost function).

A set of spreadsheet data which divides the transport of material into bins according to distance moved. This spreadsheet lists each bin (Distance range) and the associated volume. In this manner the total volume is subdivided according to various distance ranges as set up by the user.