Feature Lines and Prime Surface

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Feature Lines and Prime Surface

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Identifying Prime and Rehandle Material.

3d-DigPlus automatic creates a special Inner Surface called the Prime Surface. The Prime Surface is used to distinguish prime material from rehandle. Prime material is that material which is excavated from untouched in situ material, that is material which has not previously been excavated. Rehandle is spoil material which has previously been excavated and dumped. The concept of Prime and Rehandle and the methods used to establish rehandle in 3d-DigPlus are explained in the topic Prime Surface and Rehandle. When a design file is set up and the topography is initially imported 3d-DigPlus creates a surface called the Prime Surface. Initially the Prime Surface is identical to the Terrain Surface. As excavation and dumping proceeds all excavation operations are performed on both the Terrain Surface and the Prime Surface. However Dump operations are only performed on the Terrain Surface. These principles result in Rehandle material being modelled as the difference between the Prime Surface and the Terrain Surface.

As 3d-DigPlus has no way of recognising existing spoil material in an imported topography all material is initially assumed to be Prime. If the proposed design task involves excavating pre-existing spoil material this must be identified as rehandle via a process referred to as Mark Rehandle.

Feature Lines

In 3d-DigPlus linear string lines which appear on the topography are known as Surface Features. These are used for a variety of purposes including laying out design and identifying objects such as road and pit lines. Where these Features appear on the topography they are known as Surface Features. A similar structure, called a Data Feature exist in the surfaces' raw data from which the model is built. These represent break lines when triangulating the model. Data Features were imported into the topography and demonstrated in the initial tutorial Importing Topography.

Surface Features and Data Teachers are distinct elements, however they share a common structure. In the video clip which follows the processes of importing Surface Features and manipulating Data Features I demonstrated.

Feature Lines and Prime Surface Tutorial

The following video clip introduces the process of importing Surface Features, setting up the Prime Surface and creating design surfaces.To commence the tutorial load the previously saved file:
