Block Logging of Material

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Block Logging of Material

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The principles of Material Logging in 3d-DigPlus were introduced in the previous topic. In these exercises the General Material Log was used. The General Material Log accumulates all material excavated with a nominated Excavation Template. The particular location along the length of the strip from which this material was sourced is not recorded in the General Material Log.

Block Logging allows a system of Block Lines to be created, and material subsequently excavated can be logged according to its block location. Material still appears in the General Log is accumulated total, but this can be further subdivided on a block basis using the Block Log.

The procedure for Block Logging is as follows:

Create a new Pit and set up to Block Lines.

In the Excavation Template nominate to use Block Logging.

When the excavation process is complete open the Material Log,

Select the desired Log, and select the Show Block Information option. This will open the Block Log window.

These procedures are demonstrated in the following video clip:

Load the file Block_Vol_1.3dd