Data Copy to Surface

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Data Copy to Surface

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Data Copy to Surface

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Data Copy to Surface

This dialog box allows users to select a source surface and define the region on the target surface for copying data. All data falling within this region on the source surface are then copied to the target surface. Features are clipped to the selected region. If no data are present on the source surface (i.e. only grid) the grid points falling within the target region will be added to the target surface as data points.

One use for this command is when building a pit shell surface. There the user starts with a feature line defining the perimeter of the pit at the roof level of the lowest seam (i.e. coal to be uncovered at the lowest seam). This feature is projected as necessary to create the high wall, end wall and low wall batters. The area within the initial feature must be at the coal roof level; hence it must be populated with data (points or features) from the coal roof surface. This command can be conveniently used for this purpose.

All Surface

Use all surface as source


Use all data inside defined rectangle as source


Use all data inside defined polygon as source

Set Region button

Use this button to define a rectangle or polygon

Source Surface Name

Select target surface for copying data

OK button

Click this button to accept chamges and close the dialog box.

Cancel button

Click this button to discard parameter changes and close the dialog box.

Help button

Click this button to show context help for the Data Copy dialog box