Simulation Report Window

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Simulation Report Window

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Simulation Report Window

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Simulation Report

This dialog box shows the simulation report for all simulation steps associated with the current simulation.

Close Button

The button closes this dialog box.

Save to File Button

Click this button to save simulation report to a file.

Delete Button

This button deletes all selected records (strings of the table) from the simulation report.

Print Button

Click this button to print simulation report.


The simulation report is presented in a table format. Each line in the table shows the simulation report for one step. The data reported in the columns of the table depend on simulation mode and are explained below.

Mach. Number ( or Drag. Number)

This is the number of the machine used in simulation step.

Machine Name

This shows the name of the machine used in simulation step.

Dig Method

This is the dig method (dragline setting) current for the step. This column is presented only in dragline simulation report.

Dragline Position X

This column shows the east coordinate of the dragline tub centre for the current step. This column is presented only in dragline simulation report.

Dragline Position Y

This column shows the north coordinate of the dragline tub centre for the current step. This column is presented only in dragline simulation report.

Dragline Position Z

This column shows the reduced level (RL) of the dragline tub centre for the current step. This column is presented only in dragline simulation report.

Max. Dig Depth

This column shows the vertical distance between the operating level and the deepest part of the excavation.

Max. Dump Heigt

This is the vertical distance between the operating level and the highest dump point.

Average Swing Angle

This is the average of the swing angles of all swings in the simulation. This column is presented only in dragline simulation report.

Fraction Rehandle

This is the relation in percents of the total volume to the rehandle volume.

Volume/Dig Hour

This is the total volume divided by the dig hours. It is reported in bank cubic metres or bank cubic yards per dig hour.

Volume/Elapsed Hour

This is the total volume divided by the elapsed hours. It is reported in bank cubic metres or bank cubic yards per elapsed hour. Elapsed hours are the dig hours divided by availability factor.

Average Cycle Time

This is the total cycle time divided by the number of cycles. It is reported in seconds. This column is presented only in dragline simulation report.

Excavate Time

This is the total operating time in hours and minutes for the simulation.