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Model Pit

The Model Pit dialog box allows users to specify a synthetic coal pit, together with a single coal seam and spoil. Parameters of the pit, spoil and coal seam are set through this dialog box. Once accepted, these parameters are used to generate:

A terrain model. This model consists of data features, triangulation and grid.

A "top of coal” inner surface.

A "bottom of coal" inner surface, and

A layer between top of coal and bottom of coal, representing the coal seam.

General page

Grid Step

This parameter defines the distance between grid lines in the grid model.


Check this to toggle coal seam generation on/off.

Toe Z

This is the height of low wall toe at start of pit.

E Offset

This specifies the full east coordinate of low wall toe at start of pit.

N Offset

This specifies the full north coordinate of low wall toe at start of pit.

Coal Seam


This is the vertical distance between coal seam floor and coal seam roof.

Top Inner Surface

This defines the name of coal seam upper limiting surface.

Bottom Inner Surface

This defines the name of coal seam lower limiting surface.


This is the name of the coal layer.

High Wall & Pit Page

High Wall settings


This parameter defines the vertical height from high wall toe to high wall crest.


This parameter defines the angle of high wall crest from horizontal.

Bench Width

This is the distance from high wall crest to end of model.

Bench Dip

This specifies the slope of bench from horizontal.

Pit settings


This defines the toe-to-toe horizontal pit width.


This is the length of the model along pit.


The parameter defines the dip from low wall toe to high wall toe below horizontal.


This specifies the direction clockwise from north along pit length.

Low Wall & Spoil page

Low Wall


The parameter defines the vertical height from low wall toe to low wall crest.


This is the angle of low wall face from horizontal.


This defines the width of horizontal section at top of low wall before spoil.



This is the vertical height of spoil peak above berm.


This is the repose angle of the spoil, measured from horizontal.

OK button

Click this button to close the dialog box and create model pit according to the current parameter values.

Cancel button

Click this button to close the dialog box without creating of model pit.

Help button

Click this button to show context help for the Model Pit dialog box.