MNGedit Overview

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MNGedit Overview

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MNGedit Overview


MNGedit Overview

MNGedit is designed to help automate slide show creation. Use PNGplay to view the resulting slide shows.


creates and edits a list of frames from PNG files and

writes the resulting frame sequence to one MNG file.

MNGedit consists of three window areas: File List, Frames Table and Preview Window.


Each area can be resized separately by dragging the splitter to the desired position.


File List Area

The File List area consists of:

a "Browse Directory" button showing the current directory name,

the List of Files in this directory and

a "File Property" line.

The "Browse Directory" button shows the current directory. Click on this button to change the current directory.

The list of files is sorted according to "File/Sort" settings. It can be sorted by Name, Time of Creation or Size.

The File Property line shows the Length of the currently selected file in Kbytes and the Time of last writing to this file.

To select a group of files in the list hold Shift or Ctrl button during list navigation.


Frames Table Area

Frames Table area consists of Table of consequent frames with columns:


Number of current frame in consequent list, selection area


Delay Time

the time in seconds for which frame will be displayed


File path

Path to image shown in this frame



Comment for user only


In this area are placed Add All, Add Selected, Delete Selected, Up and Down buttons

To select or deselect one row (one frame):

Click on the first column in the row (containing the frame number). A second click on the same field deselects the frame.

To select a group of frames:

Select the first frame in the group and the last frame in the group while holding the Shift button.

Special selection actions:

Such as Select All Frames, Deselect All Frames and Invert Selection are accessed through the Edit menu.

The current frame in the Frame Table is marked with a red number.

Button actions

Add All button

add all files in the file list to the Frame Table after current frame

Add Selected button

add selected files in the file list to the Frame Table after current frame

Delete Selected button

delete all selected frames

Up button

current frame moves one row up

Down button

current frame moves one row down


Special menu actions

To Save all frames in the Frame Table to one MNG file use the File/Save as menu item.

To import PNG files from an already existing MNG file use the File/Import menu item. The Open file dialog offers to select the directory from which files will imported. File names will be formed on the base of MNG file name plus four digits. The current directory of the File List will be changed to the newly selected directory.

To change the time delay in selected frames to one value use Edit/Change Time of Frames menu item.


Preview Window

Preview Window shows re-scaled graphic of the currently selected file in the File List, or of the currently selected frame in the Frame Table.


To View a Created Slide Show

To show the slides run the utility PNGplay.exe supplied with the 3d-Dig2000. Use File/Open to "open" the first slide in the sequence of PNG files or one MNG file. The slide show will then play automatically.

PNGplay provides controls to alter the playtime of all slides, to restart, and to show slides one by one. Details of these are given under the Help option in the PNGplay menu. For further details concerning use of PNGplay refer to the Help option in that program.