Truck Optimisation

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Truck Optimisation

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Before running this tutorial you should familiar site relies yourself with the material in the Truck Optimisation User Manual topic.

This topic uses the 3d-Dig simulation set up in the previous topics. To start the exercise at load the topic file:

Topic 15_Complete.3dd


If you do not have this topic then load the training file:




Note that as the simulation is run information on the productivity of selected Blocks is displayed in an information bar at the top of the active Terrain Window. In order to minimise the size of video clips the Terrain Windows in the following video are quite small, and hence do not display the full information bar. You may like to stretch the Terrain Window so it includes the full information bar.The optimal truck count is displayed towards the right-hand side of the information bar and if the window is not stretched this will not appear during simulation.