Assigning Roads and Equipment Fleets to Subsequences.

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Assigning Roads and Equipment Fleets to Subsequences.

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The final tasks be performed prior to simulation are the assigning of equipment and Roads to Subsequences.


Assigning Equipment and Roads to Subsequences.

In our example the Subsequences have been designed and set up so as to be suitable for the required assignment of Equipment and Roads. Is very important when setting up your own simulations to be aware of the principles used to establish these Subsequences. If due consideration is not given there is a danger that Subsequences may be established which span parts of the pit with different Equipment and/or Road requirements. The key points to bear in mind are:

All Blocks in a Subsequence will have a common Dump Hierarchy. That is to say all Blocks will report to the same Dumps. Subsequences cannot be Subdivided for dumping purposes. However, when two or more Dumps are applied as a Dump Hierarchy, all material from the Subsequence reports initially to the first Dump, when this is full or remaining material continues reporting to the second Dump and this process continues throughout the Dump Hierarchy.

All blocks in a Subsequence share a common Road assignment for each dump in the Dump Hierarchy. In order to simulate productivity, 3d-DigPlus uses a system of roads to connect Excavation and Dump. For each Dump in the Hierarchy a unique system of roads is assigned. Subsequences cannot be subdivided for the purpose of road assignment, all blocks in a Subsequence will report to the same dump by the same road system.

All blocks in a Subsequence will have the same Excavator fleet assigned. In order to simulate productivity 3d-DigPlus must use and equipment fleets to simulate transport from excavation to dump. Excavator fleets are applied to Subsequences, therefore all blocks in the Subsequence will use the same Excavator fleet. Subsequences cannot be subdivided the purpose of Excavator assignment.

All blocks in a Subsequence will have the same Truck fleet assigned for a given Dump. Truck fleets are applied to Subsequences. The Truck fleet can either be applied for all Dumps in the Subsequences' Dump Hierarchy, or each Dump can have an individual fleet assigned.