Customize Features/Polygons

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Customize Features/Polygons

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Customize Features/Polygons

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Customize Features/Polygons

This dialog box allows user to:

Set and clear individual properties for selected features/polygons. These properties are name, color and thickness.

Change feature settings for the selected features/polygons. These settings are the feature type (crest, toe or other) and whether the feature is to be treated as a polygon i.e. the last feature point joined to the first.

Originally all features have:

1.Common properties (empty name, specified thickness), so all features will be unnamed and will have the same thickness, and

2.Type-specific properties (color) common to all features of a given type (crest, toe or other). So for example all crest features will be colored the same.

These common and type-specific properties apply to features in each Terrain graphics window. They may differ from window to window. These properties can be set/changed through the Window Appearance dialog window, as described in the Surface Features and Data Features sections of the dialog window’s settings.

Individual (customized) properties can be assigned to any surface features or data features selected. Such customized features/polygons will keep their individual properties in all Terrain graphics windows.

As long as these customized properties are not cleared, these features will not be affected by the common properties set through the Window Appearance dialog window.

Setting and clearing customized feature properties is done through this dialog box as described below.

Individual Feature Properties

Change Name

Check this to change the name of the selected features/polygons.

Feature Name

This allows changing a feature/polygon name by typing. Empty field clears feature name.

Change Color

Check this to assign a new color to the selected features/polygons.

Use Individual Color

Select this to set an individual color for the selected objects.

Use Type’s Color

Select this to clear individual (customized) color. The selected objects will have the color assigned to their type (crest, toe or other).

Color button

Press this button to choose individual color for the selected features/polygons.

Change Thickness

Check this to change the thickness of the selected objects.

Use Individual Thickness

Select this to set an individual thickness for the selected objects.

Use Common Thickness

Select this to clear individual (customized) thickness. . The selected objects will have a common thickness assigned for the features of this Terrain graphics window in the Window Appearance dialog box.


Use this to define an individual thickness value for the selected features/polygons.

Feature Settings

These settings are specific for every feature. They are feature type and whether the feature is open or closed (i.e. a polygon).

Change Type

Check this to change feature type.


Select feature type (crest, toe or other)

Change Feature Closure

Check this to toggle between feature/polygon.

Treat as

Open Feature

Select this to set all the selected objects (features and polygons) as non-closed features.

Closed Feature

Select this to set all the selected objects as closed polygons.

Apply button

Press this button to close the dialog box and apply all set parameters to the selected objects.

Cancel button

Press this button to close dialog box without applying changes.

Help button

Press this button to show the context help for this dialog box.