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The settings presented in this dialog box relate to user preferences. These settings are automatically saved to a special .INI file, and reinstated each time the program is started. They are not saved to design files.

Tool Bar

Shows/hides a Tool Bar at the edge of the program window.

Tool Bar Dock Position

This option allows to select the desired edge of the program window where to place a docked Tool Bar.

Status Bar

Shows/hides a Status Bar at the bottom of the program window.

Terrain View Control Window

Shows/hides a Terrain View Control Window on the screen. Normally the commands of this window (Pan, Zoom and Rotate) are available through the Tool Bar. However sometimes it is useful to have them in a separate window that can be placed somewhere else on the screen. This also saves space on the toolbar.

Screen Aspect Ratio

Normally the width to height ratio of the screen's active area is about 1.333. If the ratio differs from this value the user may take it into account by changing the contents of the Screen Aspect Ratio field.

Autopan step

Autopen step defines fraction of screen to witch wievpoint shift when cursor reachs the window border .

OK button

Click this button to accept new parameters and close the dialog box.

Cancel button

Click this button to discard parameter changes and close the dialog box.

Help button

Click this button to show context help for the Customize dialog box.