Using Auto Generate to Create Subsequences

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Using Auto Generate to Create Subsequences

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Load the File:



This file is at the starting state for strip 6:


Strip 6 Starting State.

Strip 6 Starting State.


Strip 6 Cross section.

Strip 6 Cross section.


The waste Subsequences for each pass will advance from each endwall to the centre, the coal will be excacavted from the centre to the two endwalls:


Waste and Coal Excavation Sequence.

Waste and Coal Excavation Sequence.



We require Subsequences for each waste Pass which have the following characteristics:

Each Lift has two Subsequences, one going from block 0 to block 1050 in ascending order, and one going from block 2000 to block 1100 in decending order.

We require Subsequences for each coal Pass which have the following characteristics:

One Subsequence going from block 1050 to block 0 in decending order, and one going from block 1100 to block 2000 in ascending order. Note that the coal is excavated in a single lift.


The following video clip illustrates the use of Auto generate to create the above Subsequences.