Terrain Editor Settings

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Terrain Editor Settings

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Terrain Editor Settings

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Terrain Editor Settings

OK button

Click this button to accept new Terrain Editor settings and close the dialog box.

Cancel button

Click this button to discard changes in Terrain Editor settings and close the dialog box.

Help button

Click this button to show context help for the Terrain Editor Settings dialog box.

General Page

When Terrain Replaced

Keep Machines

This option allows user to keep machines on the terrain when the terrain surface replaced.

Keep Inner Surfaces

This option allows user to keep all inner surfaces when the terrain surface replaced.

Excavate and Dump Affects Triangulation

If this option is selected excavate and fill operations will add new data (points and/or features) to the terrain raw data. Triangulation will be recalculated according to these new data. Otherwise excavate and fill operations will change only the terrain grid.

Log Rehandled Material

Enabling this option tells the program to track the amount of rehandle material i.e. material that has been placed on the terrain surface prior to excavation. Such material is placed on the surface either by fill or by dump functionality. The tracking takes place from the moment that the option is enabled. This means that material, which was dumped on the terrain surface prior to the option being enabled, is not counted as rehandle material.

After this option is enabled, each excavation separately accounts for prime and rehandle material.

New Data

When new terrain data imported

Replace Existing

Old terrain data will be erased and replaced with new data.

Add to Existing

New terrain data will be added to old terrain data.


Warn when Data Erased

If selected the program issues a warning when some terrain data are to be erased.

Triangulation Page

Default Feature Fill Distance

This option sets the default average distance between points along features. These points are used in constructing the surface triangulation.

Grid Page

Default Grid Step

This sets the default step to calculate the terrain grid.

Save Options

These options allow user to decrease the volume of topographic data saved.

Rarefied Topo

This option reduces the grid density by evenly removing points from the terrain grid. It is applicable only to saving the *.bit and *.top file formats.

Rarefaction Factor

This is the count distance between grid lines to be saved e.g. 2 means save every 2nd grid line, 3 means every 3rd etc.

Thinned XYZ

This option reduces the grid density according to a "thinning" algorithm. It is applicable only to saving the terrain grid to a *.xyz file format.

Maximum Spacing

This sets the maximum distance between neighboring points to be saved i.e. saved points will never be further than this distance apart.

Angle for Detail

Angle from horizontal to keep points. Smaller angle keeps more points.

Default Button

This button restores default values of Maximum Spacing and Angle for Detail parameters.

Data Input/Output Page

Change Sign of East Coordinates

This option allows changing the sign of all east (first) imported coordinates from their values on the input file.

Change Sign of North Coordinates

This option allows user to change the sign of all north (second) imported coordinates from their values on the input file.

Swap East and North Coordinates

This option allows users to swap all east and north imported coordinates.

Points Color

This option allows users to choose the color of data points exported in DXF format.

Crest Features Color

This option allows users to choose the color of crest features exported in DXF format.

Toe Features Color

This option allows users to choose the color of toe features exported in DXF format

Other Features Color

This option allows users to choose the color of other features exported in DXF format

Clip to Work Area Page

The page contains view parameters common for all terrain view and inner surface view windows. These parameters allow user to select area of topography to work with. Only this area will be visible in terrain view windows.

Work Area Type

There are three types of the work area:

All terrain

The whole terrain surface will be visible in terrain view windows.


A rectangular part of the terrain surface will be visible in terrain view windows.


A part of the terrain surface restricted by a polygon will be visible in terrain view windows.

Minimum East Coordinate

This shows the minimum east coordinate of the work area currently set.

Maximum East Coordinate

This shows the maximum east coordinate of the work area currently set.

Minimum North Coordinate

This shows the minimum north coordinate of the work area currently set.

Maximum North Coordinate

This shows the maximum north coordinate of the work area currently set.

Set Area Button

This allows users to graphically set a work area inside the terrain surface.

Following setting allows selection of a surface to apply clipping. There are two options:

Apply to all surfaces.

The terrain surface and all existing inner surfaces will be clipped to the defined work area.

Apply to surface in window (only).

Clipping will be applied only to the surface shown in the current terrain window.

Next setting allows selection of a surface model to apply clipping. There are two options:

Apply to all data.

Clipping will be applied to all existing models: row data, triangulation and grid.

Apply to grid only.

Clipping will be applied to the grid model only.