Copy anf Offset Feature

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Copy anf Offset Feature

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Copy anf Offset Feature

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Copy and Offset Features, Move Features

These two dialog boxes allow user to:

Copy a selected feature/polygon and offset the copy by a given distance in a given direction. If more than one feature is selected, all selected features will be copied and moved, or

Move a selected feature/polygon by a given distance in a given direction. If more than one feature is selected, all selected features will be moved.

Since these two operations are very similar the corresponding two windows will be described together.

New Offset Feature Name (Offset only)

This allows setting a name for the new feature. If more than one feature is offset, all the new features will have the same name.

Offset Distance/Distance to Move

This sets the distance from the original feature position to the position of the copied/moved feature.

Offset Direction from North/ Direction from North

This defines the direction from North in which the copy/source feature will be offset/moved.

Set button

Press this button to set the offset/movement direction graphically.

OK button

Press this button to close dialog box and change the position of the feature.

Cancel button

Press this button to close dialog box and discard changes.

Help button

Press this button to show the context help.