Strip 2 LW Dump Top Ramp

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Strip 2 LW Dump Top Ramp

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Strip 2 Low wall Dump Top Ramp. This ramp elevates material from the end of the Main Haul Road North to the current dump lift of the Strip 2 Low wall Dump Top. Its Horizontal Alignment follows the centreline of the access ramp in the Strip 2 Pit Shell (dump side).  Its horizontal alignment extends beyond the northern end of the dump to connect with the Main Haul Road North. The Vertical Alignment follows the elevation of the ramp in the Strip 2 Pit Shell Surface (dump side).

Continue with the file open for the previous exercise or load the fileTopic_12_S4HWRamp.3dd, on completion save the file: Topic_12_S2LW_Ramp.3dd