Files & Resources for Tutorial Exercises

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Files & Resources for Tutorial Exercises

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The tutorial exercises require various files. Some of these files are raw data (DXF files) and some are preprepared 3d-DigPlus files.

The files are available for download from the Earth Technology website.

Due to the large number of files, they are organised in a folder structure which reflects the various modules/tutorial exercises. Many of the tutorial exercises are sequential. As each exercise is completed the user saves the 3d-DigPlus file for use in the following exercise. For example, all of the Automated Excavation & Dump Sequencing exercises commence with a single file at the beginning of the first exercise. Many files are saved throughout this process. In such cases only the initial file appears in the relevant folder. However where appropriate, the folders contain a subfolder called Supp_Files, this folder contains a set of supplementary files. These are the files which are saved at the end of each exercise and are required for the following exercise. The supplementary files should be copied to your working folder and used under the following circumstances:

A file from the previous exercise (required for the current exercise) is inadvertently deleted or not saved at all. Rather than go back to the beginning of the sequence you can load the supplementary file.

You wish to start at an advanced tutorial and have not completed the previous exercises hence do not have the starting file.


Folder structure for tutorial files.

The tutorial files are contained under the following folder structure:


Major Topic                                                Primary Folder                Sub Folders

Generic & Topographic Simulation                        Gen_Topo                

Single Step Dragline Simulation                        DLSim_SS

Automated Excavation & Dump Sequencing                AutoEx_Dump


Preset Productivity                                        Preset_Prod

Truck & Shovel Simulation                                          TS_Sim


                                                                                 Equipment Fleet



Bulldozer Simulation                                        Dozer_Sim


Note that the above table does not show the Supp_Files folders which contain the supplementary files mentioned above. These folders exist under the folders is shown in the table, where appropriate.