Main Haul Roads with Virtual Vertical Alignments

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Main Haul Roads with Virtual Vertical Alignments

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Main Haul Roads are a type of road used to model permanent and semi permanent haul roads. The geometry (Horizontal and Vertical Alignments) of these roads does not change during simulation. The requirement for Virtual Vertical Alignments  when applied to Main Haul Roads is that they merge with topography and Excavation and Dump Accesses as required.

The following figure shows a Virtual Vertical Alignment used to model a proposed re-grade of a haul road. The Virtual Vertical Alignment merges with the existing alignment at its end points and follows the proposed grade elsewhere:


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The following figures show a Virtual Vertical Alignment used to model a proposed cross-pit bridge.

Horizontal Alignment for cross-pit bridge:

Cross Pit VVA UM1

Vertical Alignment for cross-pit bridge:


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