Main Haul Road North

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Main Haul Road North

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Main Haul Road North. This is the Main Haul Road for Strip 4 Ate and Boreas waste. It is located at natural ground level, and  connects the Strip 4 Highwall Ramp, the out of Pit Dump Ramp, and the Strip 2 Low wall Dump Top Ramp. The Horizontal Alignment for this Road runs just beyond the northern endwall crest, A Surface Feature exists which runs along the required Horizontal Alignment. The Vertical Alignment follows the topography for most of its length but from Strip 4 onwards it must follow the excavated surface of the Main Haul Road. This excavation is incorporated into South Pit Shell as shown in the figure above depicting this pit Shell surface. The horizontal Alignment will be placed to follow Surface Feature, and the Vertical Alignment will follow the topography initially then follow South Pit Shell Surface.

Load the File Topic11_Complete.3dd (From exercise Assigning Dumps to Subsequences for Strips 3 & 4), or the supplied supplementary file Topic12_Start.3dd On completion save the 3d-DigPlus file as: Topic_12_Main_Haul.3dd