Excavation Access - Haul up & Haul Down

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Excavation Access - Haul up & Haul Down

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The Excavation Access examples in the previous topics  demonstrate dedicated Haul up and Haul Down ramps. In many pits ramps are required to function in Haul up mode for some passes and Haul Down mode for others. As an example it is commonly the case that some upper passes will be stripped in advance and material hauled to the surface. Subsequent passes are stripped and material hauled down to pit floor and placed in an in-pit dump.

As mentioned above, the Haul up and Haul Down modes of operation are set when roads are assigned to Subsequences, they are not a characteristic of the road itself. Consequently the one Excavation Access Road can be assigned as Haul up road for some passes and reassigned as a Haul Down ramp for other passes. The following figure illustrates a common situation:

Haul up and haul down Um1