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3d-DigPlus contains the original two modules on which 3d-Dig was based (Generic & Topographic Simulation and Single Step Dragline Simulation) plus six additional modules.

Existing users will have access to either or both of the Generic & Topographic Simulation and Single Step Dragline Simulation (depending on licences held). A list of enhancements to these modules in the new version is given in the topic Notes to Existing V2.6 Users.


The full module list and status of each module is as follows:


Generic and Topographic Simulation. This is an original module on which 3d-DigPlus was based. It has been subject to a number of recent upgrades and is complete. This module was documented in the original documentation in the form of a user manual and tutorials. The user manual component is complete.

Dragline Simulation. This is the original Dragline Simulation module which existed in the previous versions. This module was documented in the original documentation in the form of a user manual and tutorials. The user manual component is complete.

Automated Dragline Simulation. This module allows dragline simulation to the automated for multipass dragline operations. It is due for release first quarter 2014.

Automated Excavation and Dump Sequencing. This is a new module and forms the core of the 3d-DigPlus system. It allows pits to be excavated sequentially according to a schedule referred to as a Supersequence. Excavated material can report to a series of dumps and is dumped automatically during the simulation process. This module includes functionality to allow the rapid design of complex dumps of various forms. These dumps can be constructed in a staged manner. This module is complete. It is documented in both the User Manual (Automated Excavation and Dump Sequencing) and Tutorial sections of this document. The tutorials include a set of files used for the exercises.

Truck and Shovel Simulation. This is a new module and works in conjunction with the Automated Excavation and Dump Sequencing module to simulate truck and shovel operations. The system has a flexible procedure for the design of roads which allows for highly detailed road design for short-term simulation and more rapid approximate road design for long-term simulation. Truck and shovel fleets can be assigned to various segments of the schedule manually, or an optimised truck fleet can be assigned automatically on a block by block basis.This module is complete. It is documented in both the User Manual and Tutorial sections of this document. The tutorials include a set of files used for the exercises.

Dragline - Pre-strip Integration module. This module allows for the rapid design of an idealised pre-strip horizon, pit shells including dragline spoil profile and volumes over multiple strips for a combined dragline and truck shovel pit. The module includes a Dump Surface function which takes a dump footprint and generates a benched landform meeting specify criteria and designed to accommodate pre-strip waste material. Once complete these surfaces can be used in conjunction with the Automated Excavation and Dump Sequencing to simulate truck and dragline excavation over the life of pit according to a schedule. This module is complete. The documentation is currently under construction and does not exist in this current document.

Dozer Simulation module. This module allows for the simulation of bulldozing operations. It requires a starting topography and a target (design) surface. The system incrementally excavates and dumps material within dozing regions and progressively moves material to the final location in a manner which models bulldozer pushing. Full bulldozer productivity is simulated and the system can optimise various parameters. It is most suitable for bulk cross pit pushing. The Bulldozer Module is complete and documented in this manual.

Environmental Reshaping module. This module takes a post mining topography and reshapes in a manner that balances cut and fill and reduces surface slopes. It is typically applied on a local basis treating a small section of the topography at a time. This module complete. The documentation for this module is currently under construction.