Overview of 3d-DigPlus

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Overview of 3d-DigPlus

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3d-DigPlus is a computer system designed to model mining processes. It is similar to conventional mine-planning systems in that it is based on three-dimensional digital terrain modelling (DTM). However, unlike conventional systems, which provide for independent construction of completed pits and spoil dumps, 3d-DigPlus allows for the full modelling of the excavation, dumping and spoil transport processes. 3d-DigPlus models the excavation and dumping characteristics of a number of different pieces of mining equipment. Hence, the processes can be modelled in a manner that is constrained to the equipment specifications.

3d-DigPlus consists of a core system for topological and geological modelling together with a number of modules for mining process and equipment simulation. These modules include:

Generic and Topographic Simulation.

Automated Excavation and Dump Sequencing.

Dragline Simulation.

Truck & Shovel Simulation.

Bulldozer Simulation.

Environmental Reshaping.

The 3d-DigPlus program is supported by an array of modelling and visualization functionality. An animation system allows details of a proposed completed design to be packaged and transferred to any PC for communication purposes. In this way, the most complicated mining processes can be effectively demonstrated to relevant personnel at all levels.